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Sailing the Information Ocean - Newsletters to Networked Thoughts

Charting Courses Through Seas of Knowledge


  1. Why Newsletters?
    1. Where to Read Them? deno –version 2. How to Read Them: Mastering Zettelkasten and Building a Second Brain
  2. Newsletters for the Curious Mind
    1. General News
    2. Tech, Finance, and Business Deep Dives
      1. The Information
      2. Axios Newsletters
      3. Semafor Newsletters
      4. Finance Newsletters
      5. Podcasts
    3. Stay Connected

Welcome to my Newsletter Hub! this is where I share a mix of fascinating newsletters that have caught my eye. Whether it’s a deep dive into the quirky world of finance or a splash in the pool of tech innovations, these newsletters are my go-to for staying in the loop.

Why Newsletters? #

In a world buzzing with information, finding those golden nuggets of wisdom can be a challenge. That’s where newsletters come in! They’re like your personal digest of the coolest, most relevant info, tailored to your interests.

Where to Read Them? #

When it comes to devouring newsletters, I swear by Omnivore – an ingenious, free, and open-source platform designed to elevate your reading experience. It’s a veritable feast for your intellectual appetite!

One of Omnivore’s standout features is the daily digest – a curated compilation of all the articles from the past 24 hours, conveniently distilled into concise summaries. But here’s the real kicker: you can listen to these digests too! It’s like having your own personal news anchor narrating the day’s must-reads.

Intrigued? Why not take a peek at the daily digests I’ve devoured on Omnivore? You’ll find them here. Who knows, you might discover your next favorite read!

And if you’re up for splurging a bit, there’s also the Readwise Reader. Sure, it costs a monthly fee, but it’s like adding a gourmet section to your buffet – totally worth it for the dedicated reader.

This brings us to the big question: how do we best and collect this information? History’s greatest minds were masters at gathering and processing info. So, by following in their footsteps, I’m aiming to make this space not just about reading but about collecting wisdom. This is where personal management systems like Obsidian come in handy, especially those using networked notetaking.

How to Read Them: Mastering Zettelkasten and Building a Second Brain #

Every habit and capability is confirmed and grows in its corresponding actions, walking by walking, and running by running . . . therefore, if you want to do something make a habit of it, if you don’t want to do that don’t, but make a of something else instead. The same principle is at work in our state of mind. When you get angry, you’ve not only experienced that evil, but you’ve also reinforced a bad habit, adding fuel to the fire.


A Zettelkasten is a personal tool for thinking and writing. It creates a web of thoughts instead of notes of arbitrary size and form, emphasizing connection, not just collection. Here’s a great read on why it’s so good: Networked Note-Taking for Naturally Networked Thought.

Here is a animated video that gives you a quick look at how my badly organised personal graph or second brain looks like

Obsidian Graph Animation

But don’t get bogged down by the process or the tools – the hardest part is getting started. As you dive in, you can refine your method. Using Omnivore makes it easy to highlight and edit, syncing effortlessly with your second brain.

By offloading our thinking onto a Second Brain, we free our biological brain to imagine, create, and simply be present. We can move through life confident that we will remember everything that matters, instead of floundering through our days struggling to keep track of every detail. Learn more about this from Tiago Forte, the creator of the Second Brain method.

Remember, information is only as valuable as how you can implement and act upon it. Knowing is easy, but acting on it is hard – a reminder to myself as much as to you.

Below is my Logseq graph. It’s slightly different from my Obsidian graph, even though they contain mostly the same information. This difference is allegedly due to how the apps themselves process and incorporate information.

I tend to prefer Logseq as it’s an opinionated outliner and gives me structure when I’m writing. That’s nice, and it’s also light and easy to use without having to worry about formatting, fonts, or other visual jazz.

On the other hand, Obsidian is more ideal for long-form and extensive note-taking, including those without concrete structures. This difference in approach plays out in the way they interpret the data as well.

Logseq Graph

Newsletters for the Curious Mind #

Colorful Bloom Tree Image

General News #

For a broad overview of the world, these are my go-to sources:

For more in-depth analysis and long-form articles that are great for understanding complex topics in detail, I recommend:

Tech, Finance, and Business Deep Dives #

For in-depth analysis and breaking news in technology, business, finance, and the world, these newsletters are my go-to:

The Information #

The Information offers great content, some of which is available for free. Here are some standout newsletters:

  • Dealmaker by Kate Clark: Award-winning journalist Kate Clark provides insights for startup founders and investors.
  • The Weekend: A look at tech culture, trends, and the people shaping the industry.

Axios Newsletters #

Axios provides a range of informative newsletters:

  • Axios Daily: A summary of the day’s most important stories.
  • Axios Business: Essential market insights and economic trends.
  • Axios Pro Rata: A deep dive into the world of venture capital, private equity, and mergers & acquisitions.
  • Axios AI+: Exploring the AI revolution and its impact.
  • Axios Codebook: Cybersecurity news and analysis.
  • Axios Vitals: Keeping you up-to-date with healthcare politics, policy, and business.

Semafor Newsletters #

Semafor offers a range of insightful newsletters:

  • Flagship: A trusted global news briefing.
  • Principals: A look at what’s happening in the White House.
  • Business with Liz Hoffman: Insights from Wall Street.
  • Technology with Reed Albergotti: Exploring the latest tech trends.
  • Net Zero with Tim McDonnell: The intersection of politics, technology, and energy.

Finance Newsletters #

A selection of finance newsletters that offer a daily dose of industry insights:

  • Bloomberg Open: Five Things to Start Your Day: Americas Edition
  • Bloomberg close: Five Things to End Your Day: Americas Edition
  • Matt Levine: A unique and entertaining take on niche financial topics.
  • DealBook by NYT: Major business and policy headlines.
  • Exec Sum: A fun and meme-filled take on news from Wall Street to Silicon Valley.
  • Short Squeez: A punchy and concise summary of the day’s finance news.
  • The Daily Peel: A morning recap of the investing markets and critical market moves.
  • Daily Stoic: Daily email meditation for a mindful approach to finance and life.
  • Pari Passu: Exploring investing across the capital structure.
  • PETITION: In-depth analysis of financial markets, distressed investing, restructuring, and bankruptcy.
  • Jonathan Levin is a columnist focused on US markets and economics.Previously, he worked as a Bloomberg journalist in the US, Brazil and Mexico. He is a CFA charterholder.

Podcasts #

  • Discover Daily: For daily dives into tech, science, and culture. Our episodes, drawn from our Discover feed and brought to life with ElevenLabs’ voices. Discover Daily is designed to fit seamlessly into your day–whether you’re on the move or making the most of the in-between moments. Where will your curiosity take you?
  • Huberman Lab: Hosted by Dr. Andrew Huberman, this podcast delves into the latest science on health, wellness, and human performance. Dr. Huberman, a neuroscientist and professor at Stanford University, shares insights and actionable tips to optimize your brain and body.

Stay Connected #

Explore these newsletters to expand your knowledge and uncover new ideas! If you have any recommendations, please let me know. Check back often for updates and new discoveries.